Thursday, April 22, 2010

Wrist Warmers

It's always cold at work, which means I'm always decked out in a sweater and sporting a pair of fingerless gloves. The last time I visited my family in Iowa my Aunt Terri came up with a great idea - why not knit a pair of wrist warmers? I'm always looking for a knitting project and a chance to learn a new pattern/new technique. This project gave me both. I've never used double pointed needles before and I've never made something circular like this. Needless to say, I was uber scared. But with Aunt Terri's expert help and tips from my mom via the phone when I returned to Alabama, I can safely say I'm no longer afraid and am eager for the next project that requires double pointed needles.

Wrist Warmers

Size 6 Needles (4 double pointed needles)
Cast on 48 stitches, move 16 stitches onto each needle
K3 P1 throughout entire pattern
Knit until it measures 7 inches (or desired length)
Bound off 5 - 8 stitches for thumb slot, finish that row
Cast on 5 - 8 stiches in the next row to pick back up again

*for 8" around the arm (you can make them thinner if you'd like)

Helpful Knitting Tip:
Go to Walmart or Staples and buy a cheap pack of squishy gel pencil/pen grips. Cut them up into little rings. You can twist them around the ends of your needle. Perfect stitch holders! (Thanks mom for the tip - it saved my projects countless times)

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